2022 Joint Call on Agrobiodiversity

(4 ERA-NETs Call)

Requests and Offers

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Iasmina Burlacu/ Laslo Lucian
National Institute for Research and Development in Environmental Protection
Research Institute
GHG assessment, intensive/extensive livestock and land use benefits
Project Title: Platform for the assessment of greenhouse gas emissions and removals and the benefits associated with intensive and extensive livestock and land use.

We are seeking for Partners to join our Project, please see below a Short description, as well as the main objective.

The project proposal aims to set up a database containing information on the effects of different situations of livestock and land use. The starting point is the IPCC methodology for emissions and removals quantification from the agriculture and LULUCF sectors. In addition to the assessment of the greenhouse gas balance from the analyzed situations (livestock and land use), the social, environmental and economic benefits will also be quantified. By comparing the different situations in the case studies and ranking them according to the benefits offered, solutions for sustainable development will be highlighted.
Techniques and methods (including satellite data and images obtained by a drone equipped with a multispectral camera) will be used to ensure a high confidence in the data and to reduce uncertainties to acceptable levels for IPCC reports on GHG emissions and removals, respectively for comparing the other benefits.

Proposed Activities:
1. Establishment of the database with information on indicators for greenhouse gas emissions and removals estimation and the benefits associated with different types of land use and livestock:
-Use of agricultural land
An estimate will be prepared for each situation (methods and data sources, indicators):
- Estimated greenhouse gases
- Associated benefits: - Environmental (biodiversity, soil quality, waste, ...)
- Social (associated with the products and services offered)
- Economic (direct income from the sale of products and the economic value of the associated goods and services)
2. Case studies selection and evaluation of the greenhouse gas balance and the associated benefits for different situations:
• Intensive livestock
• Intensive agricultural land / farming
• Extensive agricultural land / farming and livestock
• Land afforestation
3. Platform for the dissemination of results

Contact persons:

Dr.Eng. Iasmina Burlacu

Dr.Eng. Laslo Lucian
The National Institute for Research and Development in Environmental Protection (INCDPM Bucharest) is a research institute coordinated by the Ministry of Research and Innovation that has a wide experience in environmental protection and holds a remarkable portfolio in scientific research and technological development. The research portfolio includes materializing and patenting new technologies, products, systems and services as well as optimizing existing ones.
The long term objectives of the Institute are: promoting scientific research, utilizing eco-friendly technologies and renewable energy sources and protecting biodiversity. In addition, the Institute initiates and supports a policy of educating young researchers, encouraging their participation to research activities and offering the necessary framework for professional development through mentorship activities.
The activities of the Institute, carried out by developing preventive win-win solutions, include the following: studies on air pollution, soil pollution and water pollution, management and recycling of waste, analyzing the impact of climate change and monitoring of environmental factors. These activities are undertaken using the most advanced techniques and equipment, and are in accordance with the current trends in the research fields.
The Institute`s activities are in accordance with the objectives of the Strategies and Action Plans that are implemented at the national level and the international level (e.g. the National Strategy for Research and Development and Innovation 2014-2020, UN`s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development-adopted in the year 2015).
The Global Goals listed in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development include, among others, activities regarding limiting the effects of climate change, the conservation and sustainable use of aquatic resources, the protection, restoration and promotion of the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainable management of forests, combating desertification, stopping soil degradation, restoring soil quality and stopping biodiversity loss. In this context, INCDPM Bucharest`s priorities are, among others, the protection and sustainable use of the natural heritage.


Address: 294 Splaiul Independenței Blv,
District 6, Zip code 060031,
Bucharest, ROMANIA