SusCrop- ERA-NET

Cofund on Sustainable
Crop Production



Consortium meeting – September 14, 2022

Source: Christian Breuer, PtJ
Source: Christian Breuer, PtJ

A consortium meeting was held on September 14, 2022 in Brussels and online. The meeting was attended by more than 30 representatives of the SusCrop Consortium members and the SusCrop Advisory Board members.

A current update on the budget and reporting timeline was given, followed by a state of progress on the monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment of the co-funded Call research projects that need to submit their final reports by September 30. Follow-up, monitoring and evaluation for all other additional calls will be handled within the Green ERA Hub that officially kicked-off on September 15-16 in Ghent. Among other items, all consortium members agreed to disseminate the  ERA-Net SusCrop video contest (submission deadline: December 18) within their networks of potentially relevant stakeholders at the local, regional, national, EU and international level. Finally, a format was given on the “outreach seminar for international collaboration” that will be organised by ILVO back to back with the joint research projects’ mid-term meeting of the 2nd call on the 6th - 8th of February 2023 in Ghent, Belgium.